matt ralston

Why Arnold Schwartsennegger Should be Ignored.

First of all, I am tired of trying to spell his name.

If he doesn’t have enough respect to learn English, I am not going to show him the respect of Googling his name to spell it correctly.

Aside from being a pawn of the Republican party’s agenda to bankrupt America, which I’ll get into later, I would like to explain why Arnold Schwartzenejer is not worth thinking about:

First of all, his father was a Nazi, which makes him a Nazi in my book.

I know what you’re thinking:

Matt, I’m not sure you should judge someone based on who their father is.

That’s true.

Normally you wouldn’t. Unless your father was part of a movement that systematically murdered 6 million people and then was able to avoid jail time for reasons I don’t understand, but I think it has something to do with being from Austria – which is a country nobody visits and where Nazis are from.

My dad is actually really cool and was never involved in genocide; so it’s kind of a case by case basis.

So: Chwartszgregger was married to Maria Shriver who is a member of the Kennedy dynasty and who looks like a man, and whose in-law was murdered by the C.I.A. which was headed up by George H.W. Bush at the time.

So, it’s real weird that Gregengraggor was married to a prominent journalist for many years who dictated news to a country of fat people, and with whom he obviously had gay sex with. Right?

Actually, it’s not weird at all if you want to destroy California, which is one of the top ten economies in the world, but is still conveniently bankrupt.. wait why is that exactly?

I mean, how could that even work? How could you have one of the highest rates of state tax and still be bankrupt? Does that even make sense?

It works out that way because companies like ENRON, which still exist all over this country… wait you remember ENRON right? ENRON was a company that elected some people in the state governments of California, Arizona, Nevada, and probably New Mexico, but who the fuck knows what goes on there… Anyway…

ENRON decided to literally buy a recall election from an already corrupt governor, Gray Davis, who I should point out is named Gray Davis because it is weird and nobody is named Gray, and install, as if on a retarded coke binge which somehow worked out – the guy from The Terminator as the governer of Kalifornia, because he was either a) part of a vast conspiracy involving, among, others, the Bush and Kennedy families, or b) a retarded pawn who liked attention and had to start wearing a suit because people find bodybuilders to be scary.

Both are possibilities.

What transpired was that Argoild Fassbendernegger, immediately after thonging into office, allowed ENRON to relax some already lax governmental regulations regarding everything you think should be illegal but wasn’t, and still isn’t, yet somehow none of this has been investigated by Maria Shriver…

And yet, Shwartzenggger is still playing the roll of the dumb foreigner, and there haven’t been any repercussions, especially in Switzerland where the banks are…

Except for Ken Lay who faked his death and is probably somewhere in Thailand jerking off to pictures of Arnold Schartzenegger which were sexted to him by Arnold Schartzenegger.

This is only 500 words – so if you want to read about how the 2nd Bush Administration, with whom Schwartzenneger’s appointment not coincidentally coincided with and was funded by ENRON and help bankrupt California, please do.

Anyway, none of this is worth my time.



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