matt ralston

Boycott Anyone Boycotting Zoolander 2

Please sign the petition HERE to boycott people who are boycotting Zoolander 2!


The trailer for Zoolander 2 has caused some outrage on social media because it features the actor Benedict Cumberbatch playing a pretentious androgynous model with no eyebrows, which is not out of the norm in the fashion industry.

The character’s name is All, which is a pun signifying the character probably identifies as gender fluid, meaning All doesn’t subscribe to traditional gender roles and just decides what to lecture people on calling All every morning.

The trailer shows the characters of Hansel, played by Owen Wilson, and Derek Zoolander, played by Ben Stiller, being confused as to the gender of All, with Derek asking,

“So, are you like, a male model or a female model?” to which All replies,

“All is all.”

Hansel, in an attempt at clarification then says,

“I think what he’s asking is do you have a hotdog or a bun.”

The characters of Hansel and Derek are complete idiots without any social tact. Hence, in the context of the movie, it would make sense that their characters would ask inappropriate questions. It’s a classic comedic device that’s been around a long time, and the film is a comedy.

Just based on the trailer it’s clear that the film lampoons several different groups of people. Models, obviously, and there’s also some agism in there as Derek and Hansel are made fun of for being old. Penelope Cruz’s accent is a caricature and could be seen as offensive to the European community, Kriten Wiig is playing a character who has had too much Botox, which might offend those with Body Dysmorphia Disorder. The characters of Mugatu and Todd, who are involved in some sort of combative sadomasochistic relationship could be seen as derogatory to those not in traditional heteronormative relationships, and at the end of the trailer Derek stops a “Chinese throwing star” with only a facial expression. It’s unclear if Chinese throwing stars are a real thing, but rest assured this could be seen as disrespectful to the Chinese and Japanese communities as well as various sacred martial arts involving the use of throwing stars.

If we want to go down that rabbit hole, we’ll eventually have a sterile society completely free of substance where speech is hampered in the name of not offending a select minority’s delicate sensibilities.

It should be pointed out that anyone offended by anything in this movie, a movie in which the main character stops a throwing star with a facial expression, has chosen to occupy their time analyzing the tropes present in a ridiculous farce.

It should also be pointed out that those criticizing the trailer haven’t even seen the movie, and criticizing a book you haven’t read or a movie you haven’t seen is a staple of ignorance, in my opinion. For example, none of these lazy Twitter slacktivists know the character arc of All, or whether All is written to poke fun at transphobia or make some larger point about tolerance.

It should also be pointed out that any so-called protected class will never be fully accepted into society, because people inherently resent people who think they have more rights than others. If you think you are protected from satire, you’re wrong. Nothing is. Traditionally, comedy has reflected inclusion. Once it’s considered okay to make fun of something, it means it has entered mainstream discussion.

But I’m tired of talking about all that. These are all obvious points any moron understands. I’m tired of idiots misplacing their frustration at society onto silly movies. It’s a tough world. The political process is not inclusionary. There is a fairly violent police occupation of America. The banking system and Treasury Department despise anyone not in the .1 percent and the middle class is disappearing. You feel the strain, I get it. You want to lash out, yet it’s hard to get your congressman on the phone. Maybe we’ll pick on Zoolander 2 from the comfort of our body pillow. You’re a rat in a cage more concerned with the color of the metal bars than how you got into that cage in the first place.

If you have signed a petition to boycott Zoolander 2, I want to boycott you. We have enough problems in society without you entitled ill informed losers running amuck and trying to ruin one of the last vestiges of escape we have left, comedy.

For that reason, I have started a petition to BOYCOTT YOU. Please SIGN IT HERE.

The premise is simple. If you are aware of anyone who is boycotting Zoolander 2, please boycott them. Walk away from them when they’re talking, don’t invite them to your parties, and if you must go on Twitter, block them.

Let’s stop rewarding annoying idiots by giving credence to their self centered complaints. There are two wars going on which the U.S. started, I know it takes a little more time to read about them than to watch a two minute comedy trailer, but until you direct your anger at something worthwhile, you’re dead to me.


Matt Ralston,




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