matt ralston

Fuck Dynasty 3

Dynasty: a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field.

Throughout history, a common trait among people associated with dynasties is that they are able to hold onto their positions of power through the oppression and, consequently, division of other people.

It has been proven impossible to continue a dynasty without doing so.

Rockefeller, Bush, Mingh, Bruce, Du Pont, Oppenheimer, Hearst, Lehman…

These are a few that might conjure up examples of brutality, trickery, and the marginalization or eradication of various groups with little or no consequences for said dynasties.

Maybe it shouldn’t seem so strange that Phil Robertson, the self-described patriarch of Duck Dynasty, doesn’t approve of homosexuality, and thinks that the Jim Crowe South was a pretty sweet arrangement for black people.

After all, his views  are a product of the southern Evangelical church – and also crystalize the reason that any of the modern Christian churches ever came to prominence in the first place – which is that they were easily able to divide various groups through hate-ridden idealism.

Not surprisingly, churches are among the wealthiest institutions on earth.

They’re almost like, like, dynasties.

And dynasties are inevitably tied to churches.

Hate breeds hate.

Breeds hate.

Breeds hate.

Charities are constantly being set up in the name of philanthropy when in fact they are just tax loopholes used to cement a given person’s name in history – and continue a lineage of tax evasion.

I have a strong suspicion this is the reason that the Catholic Church, the wealth of which is not taxable, continues to flourish.

It isn’t really about who you hate or don’t.

You might be surprised to learn that David Koch – half of the tandem paramount in funding anti-gay propaganda to the mostly poor Christian-identifying whites who make up the Tea Party is actually highly active in the philanthropic community and has strong connections to many members of the more suposedly liberal institutions in America including, gasp, PBS.

Useless tabloid elebrities are often referred to as being American royalty.

But they aren’t.

The families telling them what to think are the real royalty – and these are dynasties.

Is it possible the lame spectacles that make up the cast of Duck Dynasty believe they actually are one?

I don’t doubt the ratings will go up.

These people are espousing ignorant beliefs to the public, and profiting from them – although the profits are beyond miniscule to that of an actual dynasty.

Nonetheless, they are behaving as one – but they’re delusional.

The people in power are using the church to use culture to use people.

All I know is that in order to gain a stronghold on the hunting accessory industry – and even have a chance at becoming a real dynasty – these stupid hillbillies are going to have to start playing their hatred a little closer to the vest.









3 thoughts on “Fuck Dynasty

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