matt ralston

Will Stack Is A Reasonable Shill 3

This video was posted by Will Stack, a guy who was pulled over by the police in Lexington South Carolina and took the opportunity to reference the fact that police in the United States of America have been murdering innocent people on a regular basis in the last few months, on video.

According to Stack, this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. The police are really just looking out for you. If you are pulled over just make sure you are docile and submissive to the officer. As Stack explains, he was sure to “keep my hands on the steering wheel, “speak politely” and “do what he [the officer] told me to do.”

Are you sure you’re not quoting Kunta Kinte Stack? I’ll ignore that this is happening in a formerly Whites Only township in South Carolina, which has a less than exemplary history in terms of race relations.

The most ironic part of Stack’s victim blaming is that, as he states at the top of the video, when he was pulled over he was “pulling out of the court house” because he was “taking care of some business.”

What kind of business did you have at the court house Stack? Some pro bono civil rights work? Were you offering moral support to a victim of police brutality?

Let me step out on a limb.

Were you perhaps at the courthouse to pay traffic fines or for a mandatory court appearance for a traffic violation? You know, since you get pulled over all the time?

You’re a little fucking shill cunt, Stack.

Stack’s myopic viewpoint and apologist ass kissing made good fodder for local news stations who spun his experience as protocol for the next time you’re pulled over to fill a quota or just for the flying fuck of it because you look suspect. Even with your hair all nice and short and on your best behavior.

Here’s a helpful hint I can share with you to go along with keeping your hands on the wheel and speaking politely Stack: Try and have a ripened jalapeño in your glove box from now on. If you’re getting belted with a nightstick you can rub the seeds in your eyes. The officers go easy if you’re crying real tears. We don’t want them throwing out their shoulders while they’re just doing their jobs.

You silly bitch.

Stack is a US Army Reserve.

If you’re reading this, Stack, let me ask you a question: Have you ever noticed how news coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan often features B-roll of soldiers giving out candy to little brown kids but rarely features footage of a pile of bloody corpses in wedding attire because someone in a bunker in Arizona was a little to Gung-ho to hit the strike button?

That’s a trick question Stack, they can’t do that because they’d be fined by the FCC. Do you sense a pattern here at all Stack? Do you think there might be some money involved?

Just to put a fine point on his House routine, Stack related his struggle of being given a warning ticket for being in the wrong turn lane to that of the people who have been choked to death or shot in the back:

“Not all people who get shot, or tased, or arrested by officers are innocent victims.”

Is this a general statement or are you referencing some of the innocent victims who have been shot by the police recently? I’m just curious Stack. You can tell me. I won’t mention this to your manager at the Verizon store. I know you’re trying to move up that ladder. At this rate you’ll be the CEO someday.

I’m just kidding.

Shame on anyone enabling this little cocksucker. His experience has nothing to do with anyone in the struggle. Shills are a dime a dozen, and good luck next time you little bitch. I’ll be looking out for your next selfie video posted from your hospital bed after you’re roughed up for speaking out of line to a fine reasonable gentleman in uniform.

Please fuck off.



3 thoughts on “Will Stack Is A Reasonable Shill

  1. Reply Ryan Apr 15,2015 3:44 am

    Wow… You’re def in the top 5 people that I wish really bad things to happen too. You sit there with your flamboyant hair that your boyfriend probably styles every morning for you after he’s done doing his morning T-Bagging to that little girl face of yours. I’m glad to know you’re in Los Angeles. I hope to be seeing you soon.

  2. Reply Billy Apr 19,2015 8:59 am

    Ah, is Ryan threatening you over a blog post? Sounds like a real charmer. Or just a troll. How come you published his comment?

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