matt ralston

Donald Trump Is The Ultimate Republican

Donald Trump Is The Ultimate Republican
He’s a racist and bigot and embodies entitlement. He demonizes the term Socialism while directly benefiting from it in his business dealings. He has a mail order bride and exhibits outwardly homosexual traits while disavowing the gay community. Sound familiar? Donald Trump is the Republican nominee because Donald Trump is the ultimate Republican. There was no ...

Obama Finally Making Waves

Obama Finally Making Waves
Dear Barack Obama: I’m glad you have finally grown some balls seven years into your presidency. Better late than never. This has come in the face of a Republican opposition whose stated strategy is to not allow you to do anything so they can complain about you not doing anything. It’s a massive failure of their ...

Why Aren’t The Networks Airing Obama’s Immigration Speech?

Why Aren't The Networks Airing Obama's Immigration Speech?
I found it strange none of the major TV networks are airing Obama’s speech announcing landmark immigration reform. A quick recap of what they will be showing in that time slot instead: ABC: Grey’s Anatomy followed by Scandal. This should be a great ep of Grey’s! I heard McDreamy is going to perform surgery on ...