matt ralston

The Terms Liberal And Conservative Mean Nothing 2

The Terms Liberal And Conservative Mean Nothing
The guys who run Westinghouse and Fox literally sit around and laugh at people who identify as Democrats or Republicans. While they smoke cigars and the caterers clean up. It’s always been the objective. With some notable exceptions, people with money appoint politicians. When that’s not the case, that person is referred to as an ...

Lindsey Horvath Mirrors Trump

Lindsey Horvath Mirrors Trump
I found West Hollywood mayor Lindsey Horvath’s recent unsolicited announcement that Donald Trump isn’t welcome to hold a rally in the city confusing on many levels. First the obvious, he’s not planning on it, and it wouldn’t be legal to stop him anyway. It also appeared to be adding fuel to the fire. Trump’s campaign ...

Hillary Clinton, Basta!

Hillary Clinton, Basta!
Hillary Clinton’s hispandering is increasingly patronizing to Latinos in my opinion. She was recently discussing Donald Trump’s shameless race bating on the issue: “I called him out when he was calling Mexicans racist. When he was engaging in rhetoric that I found deeply offensive, I said Basta…” Basta means ‘stop it’ or ‘cut it out’ or ...

RIP Republican Party 4

RIP Republican Party
It’s an absolute joy watching the Republican party eat shit and die. You lazily racist morons have gotten exactly what you asked for. Unprecedented in American history was a party on record as saying they would obstruct progress for eight years until their guy got elected. It borders on treason, and it also didn’t work. Why are ...

Enjoying Some Pool Lounging Cop Killer Ambiance

Enjoying Some Pool Lounging Cop Killer Ambiance
I was at the Hilton Waikoloa’s pool in Hawaii hanging out, enjoying a fourteen dollar gas station sandwich and listening to a local musician perform covers of American pop music with a distinctive island twist, meaning tunes by Slipknot and Ariana Grande come out sounding exactly the same. Having visited Hawaii many times I’m quite sure the guy ...

Merry Christmas, Assholes. 2

It’s hard to gauge a sense of right and wrong in an increasingly partisan United States of America. Everyone seems to feel superior to some other group. It’s possible anyone who is deeply partisan is inherently wrong. Republicans are up front and slightly more bullish about their adherence to corporate welfare and class warfare. Democrats ...

Donald Trump Leading In Asshole Demographic

Donald Trump Leading In Asshole Demographic
Donald Trump is gaining momentum among likely Republican primary voters and is currently leading the polls in North Carolina. Trump is doing well with people who identify as ‘very conservative’ (66%), as well as younger voters (29%) and men (20%). He is also killing it in the ‘asshole’ demo (100%), as well as the publicly racist contingency ...