matt ralston

Firemen are Annoying 2

What’s the first thing you think of when you imagine Los Angeles? The Walk of Fame? Parties? Film studios? For me, the first thing I now think about are sirens. Jesus there are a lot of sirens in L.A. You can’t walk down the street without an ambulance or a fire truck barreling through the ...

Pizza: What Losers Talk About.

An guy from New York just talked to me about pasta for three and a half minutes as though I give a fuck. This was a long three and a half minutes – a Coldplay song worth of conversation. Circumstances: I’m at a wedding in Los Angeles – not Sicily – randomly talking with some dude over ...

My Experience Being Homeless

I’ve never actually been homeless. But, I have in fact been treated as being homeless, and it has happened with increasing frequency over the past few months. The most recent scenario in which I was considered homeless was yesterday on my way back from the gym. I usually work out in jean shorts, a Senor Frog’s shirt, a bandana, ...

Why You and Your Dog can F Yourselves. 1

I recently had lunch with a very good friend of mine. She’s a vegan. I think you can do the math and realize that she had a displaced attachment to fluffy animals and isn’t just doing it for the iron deficiency. So, first thing she tells me is that she adopted a new dog. Do ...

Amazing Entrepreneurial Ideas Part II

I have so many amazing entrepreneurial ideas that I even amaze myself. Please message me if you are interested in investing (I don’t deal with sums less than one million U.S. dollars.) 1) Peanut Butter tubs. Can someone explain to me why peanut butter comes in that tall slender jar? Its hard to get the ...

All you Need to Know about LA Clubs 1

So, its Saturday night and you’re a douchebag who has no tangible social network – so its time to hit a club – but not just any club, an LA club. LA clubs have a lot to offer. Lines, overpriced drinks, various strains of herpes, and most of all utter disdain for you. In a ...