matt ralston

There is no Escaping the Prison Industrial Complex 2

The Prison Industrial Complex – the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies.

I recently had another brush with this disgusting system the U.S. has created. With the banks and our federal government having made their losses the responsibility of the taxpayers, and their gains from the taxpayers their own private business, with corporate mergers happening every day, and with our military overextended in the name of private contracting, there isn’t much left to pillage in society, except for the people who make it possible.

There are no more natural resources. Just people. They are running out of oil, and now we are the only resource left. Hence the corporate creation of the term human resources. Our humanity is being stripped away.

Police brutality and lack of accountability are on the rise, and it isn’t an accident. It is a concerted effort to give them more power, and to instil fear in us, to the point that we are supposed to feel ‘lucky’ when some fat uneducated cunt pulls us over, on our way to work, where we make money to pay their salaries, and let us off with a warning – like they are our Principals and we are a nation of school children.

I recently received a ticket for talking on my cell phone while driving. To be fair, I wasn’t driving, but sitting in stand-still traffic, when this wimpy loser with a gun on his hip pulled me over. All said and done, the ticket was $248 dollars.

Let’s say you make 30,000 dollars a year. About half of that goes to taxes, and this ticket would represent about 1/60th of your take home pay for the year. It could be the difference between taking your kids to Disneyland or making them eat cereal all day.

And why?

Because the government needs more money from you, because they have failed.

After I got the ticket, I was given a mandatory time and day to show up in court – something that people who live outside of Los Angeles still find hard to believe.

Here is what followed in the coming weeks before I was scheduled to appear:

First, I received this:


It is a handwritten letter which was mailed to me via normal postal mail – not certified – by officer Teufel of the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Department (Yes, Los Angeles is blessed to have a Sheriff’s Department giving out tickets, as well as the L.A.P.D. and the California Highway Patrol, who tend to park their vehicles many miles from any highway and wait around like the dickless dropouts that they are, much like they did in their high school parking lots, and wait for someone to harass.)

The letter, not signed, is unintelligible in its intent, but after calling the Sheriff’s Department and speaking to some fucking moron for a few minutes, I was informed that I was being charged, after I had been pulled over and released, for driving without a valid license, which is a misdemeanor.

This perplexed me, as I have a valid license. I was told that there may be a hold on my previous license, which was issued in Alaska, and where I have not lived for many years. I explained that I had received my current California license well after my Alaska license had expired. The Sheriff’s department claimed it wasn’t their problem.

Let me point out that having a hold on an expired license, and driving around with a suspended California license are two COMPLETELY different things. YOU FUCKING DOUCHEBAGS. “I HAVE A FUCKING LICENSE THAT YOU ISSUED ME” I screamed, as they no doubt delighted in my frustration.

So I called the Alaska D.M.V., where, miraculously, someone answered the phone, and was actually willing to help me instead of acting like I was being rude for distracting them from enjoying their second bag of Sour Patch Kids.

The D.M.V. in Alaska said there was no problem with my license, so I had them send me proof and that was it.

Until I had to go to court, being charged with a misdemeanor, for someone’s mistake – whether it was purposeful and systematic, or just incompetence, I cannot be sure.

I cancelled a flight that I’d previously booked, and drove to the courthouse – which had been moved, and was now about an hour drive from my house – and the neighborhood where I’d received the ticket.

Upon arriving at the courthouse, I found it ironic that they didn’t have a free parking lot, and only featured meters which lasted two hours.

I sat in the courtroom surrounded by wife beaters and illegal immigrants who were scared shitless.

After two hours of waiting I had to go back to the parking lot to pay my meter again, fearful that I’d get a ticket.

I had my charges of not having a license dropped, but was forced to cop a “plea” by a representative of the District Attorney’s Office – an angry fat bitch who looked like a fucking idiot in her pant suit – and plead guilty to the cell phone charge.

This woman is to the Prison Industrial Complex what a hostess is at Chili’s.

I got out of court and went to pay the fine, but when I got to the cashier’s office, I was met with a sign that said “Closed between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.”

These fuckers are getting so greedy and arrogant that they find it a burden to even hire someone to collect the money that they’ve stolen.

I returned a few days later, and was met with a two hour line of all black and Latino people, standing slouch shouldered and mumbling to themselves, save for a few younger guys in suits and ties who’d apparently gotten dressed up and were thrilled that they’d ‘gotten off easy’ or something to that effect, not realizing that their presence in the courthouse clearly meant otherwise.

What can we learn from this?

The letter that was sent to me was sent by the officer who pulled me over – Officer Teufel – who is a worthless fucking idiot  – wasn’t even an official document – as if the guy just decided to fuck up a week of my life on a whim.

If I had moved or gone out of town in the few weeks after he pulled me over, but before he sent me the letter, I would have not received it, and would have missed the rescheduled court date, and been issued a warrant for my arrest.

This is just one example of how these evil clowns are fucking up our city on a day to day basis.

I avoided prison this time. But how far must the Prison Industrial Complex stretch, that one minute I am talking on my phone about the Clippers, and a few weeks later I am in court being charged as a criminal?

Keep stopping and frisking, you fucking cowards. I am sure you are mostly Christians, and, if that’s what you believe, be sure you’re going straight to hell, assholes.

To the Prison Gaurds Union, keep lobbying for search and seizure.

To all of those that haven’t taken the pill, do not show these people respect. They don’t deserve it, and they don’t respect you.




2 thoughts on “There is no Escaping the Prison Industrial Complex

  1. Pingback: The Insane Clown Posse Vs. The FBI ← Matt Ralston's Blog

  2. Pingback: My iPhone Creeps Me Out ← Matt Ralston's Blog

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