matt ralston

How To Treat A Trump Supporter

It has come to my absolute shock and horror that a lot of people who, mostly, don’t live in cities love Donald Trump. These are the same people who questioned whether or not Barack Obama was born in the United States, and, tangentially coincidentally, Trump was the spokesperson for this ‘movement’, constantly appearing on Fox to discuss it, like a man who had no shame.

Equally sharing in his not having shame would be his mute daughter Ivanka and her husband Jarod Kushner, who, like Donald Trump, is a New York City real estate heir.

There are only a few of them, and she married the most nondescript shitty one.

Kushner is so gross that he almost constantly invokes the fact that his parents were Holocaust survivors whilst on his mission to fuck other people over real bad, like the Nazis did.

Clearly he has a vendetta. Against what? Nobody knows. He’s likely just a boring sociopath.

At least Trump has a personality. You can’t teach that. Especially not to a test tube baby.

You have to wonder if Donald Sterling were available if perhaps Ivanka would have tried to put a ring on it, like in an arranged marriage type of situation, or I mean, a different type of arranged marriage situation.

Indeed, Trump, or the people who Trump hired to take care of “his” real estate empire, have been successfully sued for discrimination many, many times.

Most of “his” buildings with his name on them are owned by foreign entities, and he is essentially paying shady people in shady-er countries to lobby to build Trump hotels.

This is where the Russian meddling has come in.

If you have a friend or relative who likes Trump, you can’t really bring up the Mueller investigation to them.

(Fox people: much of his campaign team is cooperating with a grand jury. His (awful) sons have been implicated. Please just google Mueller, please.)

But, you won’t.

You, the same person who thought Michelle Obama’s sleeveless dress was distasteful and posted on Facebook about how Barack didn’t wear a lapel flag pin.

That all you got?

Imagine if Barack Obama had paid a (prematurely aged, very dated tramp stamp) porn star to have sex with him and it came out.

Since nearly all porn stars either have a personality disorder or are being psychologically manipulated, Daniels (not her real name) falling into the former category, are not very reliable, it’s a real problem when you pay them for (bad, weird) sex, out of the campaign contributions you raised from these same small town old simpletons, and then become the President of the United States of America.

That would have been a really big deal.

In fact, that would have been the biggest deal in the history of your paper wall assed sad excuse for a home.

I keep thinking about the people that Steve Bannon (fired former Trump campaign manager, please, you waffle eating fucks) permitted, with intention, into the White House.

One staffer, a Senior Advisor, and clearly what we would have called a “little bitch” ten years ago, one Stephen Miller, openly posed for this pic, in the White House.

Sexually impotent white supremacist Trump staffer.

Not cool bro.

This fucking coward was explicitly given clearance by Steve Bannon, who, if you don’t follow the news, is the syphilitic ridden secondary antagonist from Braveheart:

If you don’t follow 90’s movies, this dude was just a broken, ashamed man.

Bannon also strategically gave press clearance to these two ‘alt right’ people.

I hesitate to say their names, because that’s what they want.

While posing for these photos, where they throw up the White Power gang sign, while in the White House, both of these two broken cucks were simultaneously employed by RT.

That would be, if you follow it on Twitter, Russian Television.

It’s a Russian propaganda outlet.

The utterly disgusting and dry vaginaed [Cassandra Fairbanks]

White Power supporters invited to the White House.

And some other guy named Mike C who I cannot further dignify.

These are bad people.

I am not in the position of having a parent (my parents are normal) or a grandparent, who watches Fox News and thinks Trump is amazing.

I’m not sure what I would do in that situation.

I have also not had the situation of meeting a girlfriend’s parents and who would drop the Trump card.

Because I am selective and I can spot an idiot or sociopath from a mile away, but, if I were in that situation, here’s what I would do:

I might try and explain that Fox is a propaganda outlet, how it’s in the pocket of the Republican party, that it’s basically State Run Television, for a fact, but that wouldn’t get me anywhere.

Then I might just play a Stormy Daniels porno on my phone and set it on the island counter and watch everyone peacefully ignore it.

I might talk about how much I like basketball.

I’d probably say some more passive aggressive shit that they wouldn’t pick up on since they are retarded, and then I might start asking open ended questions to see how racist they are.

I might say that someone stole my spare tire and I’m pretty sure it was this fucking black guy, and judge their reactions.

Just improv it.

These are the same people who love Putin in Russia.

But, here’s what I would really do, if I had those parents, or those inlaws, or those cousins from a state which starts with South:

Punch them in the stomach.

As they were gathering wind and asking me what I was doing, I would do it again.

Because these cowards, these nasty hypocrites, will not fight back.

They know Mexicans and Puerto Ricans and black people and all other types of people, and they have seen first hand that all of these cultures have beautiful things about them and also have their flaws.

They will stay cordial, and they won’t say shit.

They would never speak hate to these people’s faces, which is why they all deny their gang signs.

All of them have said it didn’t happen.

They will not fight back.

These men are cowards Donny, there’s nothing to worry about.

Mueller will be wrapping this up.

Speaking of which, get this awesome shirt now by clicking THIS LINK.