matt ralston

How to Save the Planet

The following is a plan I’ve created to stop war, starvation, genocide, and the spread of curable disease. Here are the steps:

1) We open all borders. All of them. When this happens, a lot of people will be killed by people who are hungry, or just pissed that they were locked in a refugee camp.

This will lead to a pretty even distribution of demographics, as some people will encroach on historically wealthy places, and some of the wealthier people will seek shelter in historically poorer parts of the world, away from their stupid possessions which will have probably landed them in a Kill Map pamphlet.

At this point, a lot of people are going to be really upset and want to kill a lot of people of a warring religion or race or whatever.

This is bound to happen. We are hitting the re-set button here. It is for the greater good of the world, not the good of you right now.

Here is where we have to establish some Geneva Conventions. Obviously people are going to kill bankers and various members of the Bilderberg Group. I get that.

The first convention will be that nobody can kill anyone who actually does something. And I don’t mean your one-man-play.

Excluded will be anyone who services a tangible skill in manufacturing, anything in the tech sector, or any blue collar service outside of anything tied to B.P., Halliburton, Koch Industries, or similar operations.

At this point, since obviously just about all politicians will have been killed by now, some rogue governments will start to spring up.

The second convention is that we will have to kill all of the people involved in these newly formed governments.

Why would we want to go back to where we started? Anyone wanting to get involved in the leadership of this new world would probably have bad intentions, so killing those people would rid us of a lot of those types.

After that, the remaining people, obviously some of the better pieces of humanity, will have to start from zero.

The third convention is that there can’t be any lines drawn, so there can’t be any countries, because eventually that would devolve into the current situation, which is poor.

At this point, people would in one way or another start sharing food and resources, and working on smarter and more efficient ways to harvest the goods of this bountiful planet for generations to come.

Maybe build a colony on the moon for when the sun burns out.

Who knows?

It wouldn’t be perfect, but given that the planet has enough food and vaccines for all of its inhabitants, and that there wouldn’t be a need for war, it would certainly be a vast improvement.




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