matt ralston

All Doctors Are Creeps

I don’t trust medical doctors. I believe that mostly all of them are repressed psychopaths. It’s not normal to see the insides of someone’s body and remain calm.

That’s why soldiers get post traumatic stress. A caveman would have a panic attack if they pried someone’s ribcage open and saw their heart beating and then started cutting into it. Doctors are familiar with a tool called a “bone saw.”

Why can these doctors stomach this gore? Because they’re complete and utter creeps. 

There’s definitely a hierarchy of how creepy these fuckers are. Pediatrist, not especially creepy. Knee doctor, not super creepy. General practitioner, legitimately creepy.

These people look at homeless people’s assholes and then go eat lunch.

Emergency room doctor, has the serial killer gene. Proctologist, collects toenails. Gynecologist, do not leave your children alone with this person. 

You’re telling me that every male gynecologist isn’t a veritable pervert?

All that talk about compartmentalizing is completely bogus. You cannot look at diseased vaginas all day and then be sexually attracted to your wife’s vagina.

Unless you’re a psychopath. 

And, by the way, you chose to look at problematic vaginas all day. You could have picked knees. But you’re a fucking weirdo. 

So, it’s a status quo opinion that women should see gynecologists on a regular basis, to screen for cancer and things.

However, if you wouldn’t leave your children alone with someone, do you really want them anywhere near your private parts, or, worse yet, sedating you? 

You have to weigh the fact that almost all doctors rape people when they are passed out alone in their offices versus the health benefits they are offering. 

In general, the more you go to doctors, the more often you get sick. It’s basically like taking your car to a shady mechanic and something else predictably breaks a month later.

This phenomenon exists for a variety of reasons: 

1) Doctors offices and hospitals are completely filthy and packed with staphylococcus and other flesh eating bacteria. Each time you go in you are risking a deadly infection, and it’s quite common. 

2) Doctors and especially nurses are filthy and packed with staphylococcus and other flesh eating bacteria. They handle AIDS blood and untold gallons of filth all day while wearing the same clothes they have on while they are touching your body. 

3) Doctors are heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies and are nipping at the bud to give you drugs you don’t need. Most often these are anti-depressants which list suicide as a side effect. Still unclear how that works.

4) Doctors, out of necessity, are extremely comfortable with you dying. They can’t get invested in every patient. So they more or less look at you like, well, sometimes they die. Kind of like when you hit a deer on the highway. This attitude is reflected in how they deal with you. 

5) They have a financial incentive to recommend operations that you don’t need, which often result in you dying. Any time you’re sedated you have a legitimate chance of not waking up, and any operation has a legitimate chance of deadly complications. It happens all the time. 

I’ve known a few doctors, several of which have been very nice people. But they’re still shifty and weird, kind of a David Byrne, Eddie Vedder, Kahwi Leonard vibe. 

It’s unclear if they were always dark and foreboding or if they’ve developed this thousand yard stare after seeing people’s lacerated livers and hundreds of dead people. 

I didn’t know them when they were kids. But I bet they were creepy kids.

There has to be a longterm scientific study on this. 

Let’s look at a case study: Ben Carson. Doctor Ben Carson. 

If you have ever heard Ben Carson talk it’s painfully obvious that he’s mentally ill.

He’s got a real mumbly John Wayne Gacy thing going on. 

Apart from being a token Uncle Tom, Carson is best known for separating conjoined twins. 

There is nothing, intellectually, more complicated about cutting two souls in half than there is repairing a knee.

There’s no blueprint. You clearly just have a strong desire to do it. 
Because you’re a psychopath. 

So, all I’m saying is that, if you’re a medical doctor, I don’t trust you, because you are a deeply disturbed individual. 

I also think that, in general, being a doctor is a shitty job, and I think the real geniuses of society have figured out a way to not look at homeless people’s assholes, professionally. 

So I’m also not buying that whole thing of just because you’re a doctor you are automatically smart. 

I think lawyers are smarter, and while more douchey, less creepy.