matt ralston

Olivia Jade Invalidates All USC Diplomas

It’s unclear if Lori Laughlin will do prison time for paying to get her dunce of a daughter Olivia Jade Gianulli into USC.

That would really piss me off if I paid $250,000 to get a degree from that institution, because here’s what nobody wants to mention in regard to this case – Olivia Jade finished her first year of college. She completed the courses. She passed a bunch of classes.

That means a literal idiot can pass classes at USC, so if you have a degree from there, I am not impressed in the least, since an idiot can do the same thing as you.

Even if you grew up in a housing project in Haiti and were bullied for being a lesbian with spina bifida and subsisted off of shoe leather and used pretzels and scratched and clawed your way into USC, your very commendable achievements have been completely invalidated in my eyes by one Olivia Jade, who, as a retarded person, was able to pass the same classes as you, making her admission, in a very twisted way, perhaps the most heinous crime since the events of September 11, 2001.

Yes, I said it.

It should be noted that according to Lauhlin herself, Olivia Jade has “learning disabilities” and could not obtain a decent SAT score despite hours of preparation, because she is a dumb fuckhead idiot retard.

Think Trig Palin but with more residual checks.

Do you realize how slow you have to be to come from a privileged family, go to private school, and not be able to to get a good enough SAT score to get into a decent private college – especially when your mom and gay husband are preoccupied with padding your application with bogus extra-curriculars, such as being a competitive rower when you’ve never rowed a day in your life because you’re a lazy cunt?

According to my research, the average admitted USC student has an SAT score of 1300. That means some are lower and some are higher. If you are an athlete, all be it a fake one, the score would be lower. I have zero faith that Reggie Bush got a 1600 on his SAT or even knows how to read.

That would put Jade’s minimum score at around 1100, if she were in the lower quartile of admitted students. Which, she is not. She’s in the retard quartile. Hence, someone else took the test for her. Someone who isn’t retarded.

But if you’re getting private tutoring and can’t get a 750 on the math section, you are developmentally disabled. This isn’t just a theory, in fact, according to Lauhlin, she has produced two daughters who are boarderline retarded, as she herself stated in a letter she wrote to the courts begging for leniency:

“I worked with Mr. Singer legitimately for a year. I also engaged him for my second daughter, Georgia, who also has serious learning disabilities, so she could benefit from his expertise. I was relieved that he seemed so good at his job, was so confident and knowledgeable. Sophia was passionate about majoring in theater, but over time, Mr. Singer told me that her test scores were too low, and if her math SAT scores didn’t rise dramatically, none of the colleges she was interested in would even consider her auditions.”

You’ve made two daughters with serious learning disabilities? Maybe you should stop fucking.

Here’s the thing: Both of her daughters got into USC. So, if you are a Bengali man whose family was taken out in a US initiated drone strike, I cannot really respect your accomplishments at this point, and it’s not my doing, this is the fault of Olivia Jade, and her annoying mom and gay dad.

If you have serious learning disabilities, you don’t belong in an Ivy League level school or elite private school. Despite all of the injustices and talk of privilege in this case, I have a devastating bit of bad news:

If I graduated from pilot school alongside Terry Schiavo and Kendal Jenner, would it really mean anything and would you trust me to land an aircraft?

The point of school, in the most broad context, is that it’s a thought exercise. If you can’t think as well as other people, you should not be able to go to school with them. Hence, “admissions.”

Having a “learning disability” means you’re dumb, in that you can’t learn well, and if your cunty mom thinks you deserve to go to school with people who can think better than you, she’s a horrible person, and likely a fucking moron too, hence she keeps giving birth to people much like herself.

Olivia Jade has just bitch slapped 99 percent of the population. She should be shunned by all of society and is basically the worst person in the world, so bad in fact, that she has made me look down upon disadvantaged USC degree holders, which is no easy task.

Fuck her.