matt ralston

False Advertising for Dummies 2

False Advertising for Dummies
I saw this sign yesterday: It is advertising that you can Lose 20 pounds for 7 dollars. That sounded like a great deal! So I called the number and to my surprise, the brilliant ad-man who answered the phone was blatantly lying about the intentions of the sign! I must admit that I was a ...

Why Arnold Schwartsennegger Should be Ignored.

First of all, I am tired of trying to spell his name. If he doesn’t have enough respect to learn English, I am not going to show him the respect of Googling his name to spell it correctly. Aside from being a pawn of the Republican party’s agenda to bankrupt America, which I’ll get into ...

There is no Escaping the Prison Industrial Complex 2

There is no Escaping the Prison Industrial Complex
The Prison Industrial Complex – the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies. I recently had another brush with this disgusting system the U.S. has created. With the banks and our federal government having made their ...

Marijuana in the NFL

Like many people I found it worth noticing that the two teams in this year’s Super Bowl were both representing states which had recently legalized marijuana – Washington and Colorado. I also found it interesting to learn that the NFL currently tests players for marijuana, and that a positive test would be a violation of ...

Why Aliases Are Not Necessary If Nobody Knows Who You Are

I was recently reading a bullshit article on CNN’s website. CNN doesn’t have any articles that are not bullshit, by the way. So, the article I was reading was about the rise of heroin abuse in the United States and was written by some guy who did not go into any detail about the fact ...