matt ralston

The Worst Thing You Can Find in a Chick’s Apartment 7

So, you’ve been dating this girl, hanging out – whatever, and finally she invites you over to her house.  This is a rite of passage.  You get to see her natural habitat and make some serious judgements about her worth as a human being.  A quick glance will reveal quite a few things about her. ...

How to get a Rub and Tug 3

How to get a Rub and Tug
Sometimes things happen that really throw you for a loop, such as learning how to get a rub and tug.  A few weeks ago I had a lapse in judgement and did a cannonball into a kiddy pool, landing right on my back.  I was in pain.  I needed a massage.  I’d never had one ...

Why the Lakers Suck

I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that the Lakers suck.  Their struggles have been discussed ad nauseam over talk radio waves, but nobody has accurately pinpointed exactly why the Lakers suck so badly.  Here are the main reasons. 1) Dwight Howard is a prick.  Like many NBA fans, I had always thought that Howard was ...